" Commumity (kuruba) First... Rest Next "

Friday, 10 June 2011

Community & Politics.. Political power the key to community development

Every community should be politically aware.. But i see We Kuruba shy away whenever someone tries to consolidate community to get political empowerment for the community.. The reason for this may be many... If I write anything which is political in nature.. few of our own feel uneasy about it.. I really am amazed and some time feel that i am fighting a lone battle.. But deep within i know i am educating my community against political exploitation.. may be few feel we have not been exploited enough.. hence this indifference... But i feel it is ignorance of few within... The day is not far off when we will be totally politically exploited.. When we say political empowerment for community it means positions of power for members of our community and then the persons who occupy those positions of power inturn give it back to the community since the community United and brought those persons Power.. So if few community guys can consolidate community along with few other friendly communities like Ahinda there is nothing wrong with it.. If our community guy grows politically we all have to be happy for it... Enough of we supporting others lets be mature and start supporting enterprising guys/gals from within community who have leadership skills to lead the community from the front.. Whether they succeed or no only time will tell.. But we as a community has to support such people and not criticize them that they are mixing community with politics. Community and Politics go hand in hand... Political Power is the Key to Community development .. the faster we understand the faster we grow... So if we discuss political strategy in community forums its not a SIN ... So guys who still are of old school of thought have to come out of their shell and understand dynamics of community development of the 21st century.. We should not feel shy to discuss politics since it is going to determine our place in the coming years and our future generations will question us if we dont do our part in protecting the interest of our community poltically...

Every one talks of community development.. But no one knows How.. But when Someone tries to give an answer to the question How?? Our own people and the irony is the most educated ones back away and criticise.. If we dont discuss community politics and strategy in Our own forum. should we discuss it in other community forums.. My question is whom are we fearing for... Why should we fear???? Why should we fear to educate our own community people about strategy to bring more political power to our community and that too in our own Community forums....

I am ashamed to be part of that community forum of ours where we have to fear to write or educate our own community members regarding what is good for us kuruba politically... every one wants to enjoy political power but no one wants to work towards getting that for our community.. Everyone wants to comment as if they are philosophers that Kuruba dont Unite. There is no unity in the community. but my question to them is By uniting what do u want to do.. yes tommorow all kuruba unite .. then what next.. is the question i want to put to all so called community thinkers who dont want to mix community with politics.. Lets be frank and have the guts to tell.. Yes we all will Unite and by our Uniting we all will vote Our community guys to Power.. Is there anything wrong in it... I feel No... But why we are afraid and afraid of whom.. The great babsaaheb Ambedakar also saaid that political power is the Key to community development.. jago..kuruba..jago...

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