" Commumity (kuruba) First... Rest Next "

Thursday, 26 May 2011

kuruba thoughts...

kuruba thoughts
" Kuruba are the 3rd largest cohesive group and might become the second largest group after this census in karnataka" But when it comes to employment,social,educational,economical status we are'nt third.. we are far behind... The reason friends is political deprivedness.. unless and until we Unite and think radically that 'yes' we have to get our share of political power and then our leaders proactively help our Community members to get into prominent positions then " Things will change"... For this to happen we have to start building our Home, Our party.. RSP (Rashtriya Samaj Party)... The voice of the Silent majority.. A party headed by a Kuruba Nationally Mr mahdev jankar.. And If we succeed in building this own House of ours it will give shelter and patronage to our community leaders who are always targeted by dominant community's in Other partys like congress and JD-s... As long as we have options the existing political parites will respect Kuruba's if not they ill treat us.. It is imperative that every Kuruba have RSP in their heart for its the party of "Kuruba" in particular and Rashtriya samaj (Ahinda) in general..

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